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Replies to #1083 on reaper board


06/24/20 6:51 PM

#1084 RE: reaper247 #1083

Hi Reaper,

If you look up blockchain on a site like investopedia, they give a pretty decent explanation that’s less technical than my brain functions :).

Clearly Bitcoin is the first thing that comes to mind when mentioning blockchain. On that note, I did get slightly ahead of myself on what blockchain has historically been used for vs. (what I was getting at) what additional things it’ll be used for.

I see no way around it, and it could be a lucrative long-term play. I’m in a couple of ETFs that are focused on companies specifically involved in blockchain. Hard to know who is going to accelerate fastest, hence why the ETF route for me. Safe-ish? Sure, but I’m pretty confident that I’ll make some money down the road.

Thanks for the birthday well-wishes! Not sure how the weather’s been in your neck of the woods, but the beautiful Seattle summers (which those of us from WA keep secret from outsiders) is coming into full force. It’s fantastic!