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06/21/20 9:55 PM

#34845 RE: Exit6 #34843

He wants to report on the next step and it’s not ready yet. Because so many have beaten him up over “it’s coming news” for the last year he wants it to happen before he talks about it.

Just look at how some folks are trashing the fund activation and saying it’s not what they are looking for.

If the fund activation was not enough to reassure investors things have finally changed. I don’t blame Henry for holding off. Go look at the last 6 months of twitter responses from investors and see since fund activation folks cleaned up how they are treating him.

The guy can only take so much when he is trying to make it right for investors. Sad to say notes came due and fund activation was not ready then to resolve notes. I would be pissed if I paid pennies and lost 99% value for a year. So I get it.

Note holders are ready to turn shares in but Henry will have to pay. This makes up 10bill of the shares on the market. 2 more funds will activate and financials will come out. Everyone is waiting. Sounds like audit is the current hold up from what I’m hearing and should be resolved soon.
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06/22/20 12:09 AM

#34846 RE: Exit6 #34843

I think he is waiting until he knows he is going with a purchased ticket and so he has as much to say as he possibly can to lessen the chance of not meeting expectations that he lays out.

I’d rather have it this way then have him do it now and say a bunch of things that may not happen if it’s 2 weeks from now. Let him tell us 2 days before he goes and I believe we will get better information with a more realistic picture of what to expect and when to expect it.