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06/19/20 9:13 PM

#281594 RE: Bouf #281593

Yep. But it makes them feel better ... that some how posters may impact the appeal decision .... what’s wrong with that ?
Bouf the Debbie downer .... only if U say so .


06/19/20 9:52 PM

#281597 RE: Bouf #281593

I am not naive to realize that it will be virtually all up to Singer / Judges.

But if I am Singer, would I be receptive to additional brainpower of attorneys & scientists on IHUB, especially after only top posts / ideas are consolidated? Sure, why not.

Singer & his team are obviously brilliant, but they aren't perfect. Is it that far fetched that he would read some of the top posts here and say hmmmmm that's not a bad idea, let me expand on that.


06/19/20 10:00 PM

#281600 RE: Bouf #281593

Bouf, I respectfully disagree, at least to the extent you speak with absolute certainty. Unless one is part of Singer's legal team or inner circle, one is not in position to speak with absolute certainty as to whether this will impact the appeal outcome.

This is 'bet the company' litigation where through extraordinary judicial malfeasance in conjunction with gross negligence on the part of management and the attorneys (all things which will be dealt with in due course), the shareholders have been massacred to the tune of 75% of share value since the expanded label approval. No stone can be left unturned.

If helpful relevant information is presented to IR with a request to forward to counsel for review, then IR has a fiduciary duty to forward it, and counsel has a duty to review it. I am not talking about a document dump of multiple Message Board posts. Singer does not have time for that.

But a singular legal analysis from a well-respected articulate lawyer, and a comprehensive scientific analysis rivaling the Bhatt paper, at least warrant review and a Memorandum to Singer from an Associate. And if it is reviewed and analyzed, then there is a chance that it could have an effect on the final work product. Not a guarantee, but a chance, just as there is a chance, perhaps even a much better chance, that it will be ignored as you say.

I know if I was counsel I would welcome the outside contribution because good lawyers appreciate the value of outside eyes and a different perspective, even if that outside perspective is ultimately rejected.

The Irishman

06/19/20 10:21 PM

#281610 RE: Bouf #281593


The vast majority of the feedback from our board seems to pertain to three areas:
1. Rebuttal to Judge DU’s decision
2. Additional insight to the brief that Singer submitted
3. Rebuttals to the generic company’s brief

Will any of it help? I would leave that up to the legal team to make that call. This is an all hands on deck situation. The insight provided by many on this board has been nothing short of outstanding. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
I say why not give it a shot. You just never know...


06/19/20 10:24 PM

#281612 RE: Bouf #281593

Bouf, great to hear from you again, and thanks for not shutting down this circus show we call "Amarin Corp. PLC ADS (AMRN)" on iHub.

It's often way easier to riff off of someone else's ideas than start from scratch. I support giving Singer's starting point every incremental nudge. If nothing else it can only add to his work satisfaction. Pretty much everyone would prefer clients/stakeholders who send in draft brainstorming solution ideas instead of complaints.

I've learned a lot from the collective chewing on perspective, information, and synthesized strategy. Still TBD how well this investment turns out, but all my next ones will be much better informed (super hoping this one turns out well, so I can make a lot more next investments).

And if we don't focus on this, we're likely to tear each other to shreds. You don't want us to do that, do you? Also please, stay a while.


06/20/20 9:09 AM

#281642 RE: Bouf #281593


I am staying long through the appeal ( I have been long for almost 10 years) but it is fantasy land to think that this board is going to impact the appeal outcome, despite all your best efforts. Sorry to be Debbie downer, but that is the way it is folks

I respectfully disagree and would like to add Amarin shareholders have added to legal arguments in the past, Ready’s grandiose Marine $ estimated from 2020 JPM was used by Sipes/Kennedy....

I have several back and forth communications with JT that he has acknowledged and forwarded to legal.

I think it’s unlikely anything makes the next Singer brief, because his brief must dismantle the strategy the defendants have put forward.