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06/19/20 12:29 PM

#290547 RE: exwannabe #290532

Ex. Do try and keep up.

France has banned all community physicians from prescribing for a long time now. So you end up with a high percentage of cases that needlessly end up with advanced disease and needing hospitalising, with a consequent much worse outlook.
Same could be said about the UK. (Mild symptoms, isolate at home, do nothing, no early treatment and not even tested.)

Prof Raoult at the Marseille Hospital (which is the number one French hospital for infectious diseases in all of France) can prescribe, because of the hospital setting. Of all the patients he treats (getting on for 10,000 now), he can prescribe on an outpatient basis as well as to those who are admitted.
Of all those he sees and for whom he uses his protocol, he has a CFR of 0.5%.
Of those who are admitted, the case fatality rate is 5%.
The UK hospitals involved in Recovery (terribly inappropriate title..) have a fatality rate of 24-25%. Getting on for 5 times.
And in Marseille the CFR for ICU is 15 or 16%. I haven't got a UK equivalent but it is probably at least double that.
And if you get to the CRS / ARD stage HCQ isn't going to help anyway.

But that's the whole point; HCQ (plus azithromycin and / or zinc) prevents 90% ever getting to that stage.
And of those who get to the critical stage, 90% of them will be over 70, probable co-morbidities, and probable immune deficiency.

Prof Perronne (Professor of infectious and tropical diseases at the University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, also appointed head of the infectious diseases department at Raymond-Poincaré Hospital in Garches).
In 2009, he was Vice-President of the European Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (ETAGE), which advises the European Health Organization’s European vaccine policy. So not an opponent of vaccines per se and he chairs the Commission for Communicable Diseases of the High Council for Public Health.
An expert in other words.

And he estimates that 20-25k of the 30k fatalities in France were unnecessary, because of the French govt stance on disallowing community use of HCQ.

Any country that has has more than 10% deaths to cases is likely to be a country that doesn't use HCQ.
Check it out!