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06/17/20 10:40 AM


LOL nice try. BUYOUT IS COMING with Commons intact


06/17/20 10:43 AM


Lol your missing the point we don’t what’s going on behind closed doors. This is a billion dollar company that’s been around for years!! Not some shell company with a off shore account. If one these bidders put in the buyout hey we will be willing to purchase for XYZ but the top executives have to forfeit their shares along with other things they would have to .. why would I buy a company for let’s say $2 a share when all the original executives have millions of shares lol I’m not buying your company to make you money I’m buying it for my benefit so sell your shares because you need my help . It’s really not that hard to grasp I would do the same.


06/17/20 10:46 AM


Come on now. We know better than that. He's not just a bartender but he has 1.5 million followers and they call him the king of penny stocks. It's not just him that may move this but it's the good things that are happening with the restructuring. Get real