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06/08/20 5:03 PM

#8589 RE: Sputnik #8586

maybe this will help (taken from the NGTF 10K at

The approximate number of stockholders of record at June 30, 2019 is 193. The number of stockholders of record does not include beneficial owners of our common stock, whose shares are held in the names of various dealers, clearing agencies, banks, brokers and other fiduciaries.

if you google that language, like I just did, you'll find it's standard are a few other instances:

As of March 31, 2020, 370,102,805 shares of our common stock were outstanding and held by 125 stockholders of record. The actual number of stockholders is greater than this number of record holders and includes stockholders who are beneficial owners but whose shares are held in street name by brokers and other nominees. This number of holders of record also does not include stockholders whose shares may be held in trust by other entities. (taken from )

also this tesla filing came up that explains it well at

it says:


What is the difference between holding shares as a stockholder of record or as a beneficial owner?


You are the “stockholder of record” of any shares that are registered directly in your name with Tesla’s transfer agent, Computershare Trust Company, N.A. A minority of our stockholders are stockholders of record. We have sent the Notice of Internet Availability directly to you if you are a stockholder of record. As a stockholder of record, you may grant your voting proxy directly to Tesla or to a third party, or vote in person at the 2020 Annual Meeting.

You are the “beneficial owner” of any shares (which are considered to be held in “street name”) that are held on your behalf by a brokerage account or by a bank or another intermediary that is the stockholder of record for those shares. The vast majority of our stockholders are beneficial owners. If you are a beneficial owner, you did not receive a Notice of Internet Availability directly from Tesla, but your broker, bank or other intermediary forwarded you a notice together with voting instructions for directing that organization how to vote your shares. You may also attend the 2020 Annual Meeting, but because a beneficial owner is not a stockholder of record, you may not vote in person at the 2020 Annual Meeting unless you obtain a “legal proxy” from the organization that holds your shares, giving you the right to vote the shares at the 2020 Annual Meeting.