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06/06/20 11:01 PM

#278635 RE: MontanaState83 #278633

Confidence does not always mirror reality. Let lem make his own investments. For the love of God don’t buy more because lem has confidence. Buy because you have confidence.

The one overarching fear I keep finding in the pit of my stomach was one that was articulated here, today. Im a lawyer and have never dug as deeply as most of the knowledgeable ones here have. I simply don’t know enough about statistics, science, medicine, etc., to understand the depths of this stuff that is required to render an educated opinion. My fear is that whoever the judges are, they will not have enough scientific knowledge to understand this stuff deeply enough to overturn a judgment that clearly was made without the requisite knowledge.

If they never understand it to the required depths, which is pretty F-bomb deep, then they will not overturn Du.


06/06/20 11:10 PM

#278636 RE: MontanaState83 #278633

Visions.....while listening to Metallica yesterday. That and no one turns down money. So much more to be made in reversal than on affirmation. Was all an elegant dance with the belle going home in the end...,but not with whom she imagined. Get ready. Q3 cometh and with her....

.....behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth

But hell is not coming for us....rather for DU’s ruling.