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long uoip

06/06/20 4:55 AM

#79918 RE: BrokeAgent #79917

re: "counsel for the 13 having been saying all along they will go to trial and appeal" ..I don't listen what they say/threaten carter with, I watch what the 13 do
I trust the 3 uoip shareholders views in court, I sense the 13 did not think this suit would go this far
I think cox & co are doggy paddling because their representation thus far has been lackluster & underwhelming, including their level of questioning during "cross examination"
I believe the bottom line is ~ "cox & carter can't agree on a price"
however, during pretrial conference Andrews will highlight to carter the long legal battle ahead if he doesn't settle and to cox the risk to proceeding with a trial, ptab standards & evaluation already conducted.. .
I think both carter & cox will relent prior to aug. 18th
I believe in 1 of your previous posts, a lawyer friend stated ~ "it's all a game to lawyers, a competition to win"
re: "by the way, what happened the hotshot attorney the 13 brought in from Pennsylvania a year and a half/two years ago? Or the hot shot negotiator they brought in from California last year?" ..seems the 13 haven't had any hotshots in court thus far, just "deer in headlights"

more legal maneuvers to come.. .

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06/06/20 12:36 PM

#79932 RE: BrokeAgent #79917

Gr8 info, but Cox (& MSOs) may B balking.

All are gambit moves and part of the strategic "Let's play chicken" gamesmanship of the legal system.

Even from your own numbers, as well as, LU's and others, odds are to settle.

I think it's more Billy's decision.

Go for the throat and full $1.06 per month per modem or get 50-80% if meet in the middle on settlement amount?

Time will tell.