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06/05/20 8:47 PM

#30188 RE: microcapbiotech #30186

That's what I was thinking for a long time.

But honestly, I think we are in for one of those once roughly every 100 Years Wallops in the markets.

I feel that vertigo of a fear of heights when looking at the chart of the Dow since the Great Depression - a Great Wave peak?

And we printed and borrowed since the Dotcom bust, into the Great Recession, and have since piled on record levels of debt - IIRC the Fed is at record levels of assets on the Feds balance sheet?

And the Fed says it will buy everything.


And I think we are kind of at a major Inflection Point in history.

IIRC one of the military generals the other day said the very Age of Reason (or Enlightenment??) is at stake. It sounds like hyperbole, but he wasn't exaggerating for effect at all. And tbh I agree. I don't expect catastrophic failures or anything like that, just a Long Emergency (to steal a term from someone).

I think about these three quotes a lot lately:

If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, it expects what never was and never will be.
~ Jefferson/Reagan blend

And Arthur C Clarks "any technology advanced enough will appear as magic" (paraphrase).

And "There is a cult of ignorance in the United States nurtured by the false notion that Democracy means that "My ignorance is as good as your knowledge" by Isaac Asimov. (also paraphrased)

Yup. This I think this ends well. Noooot.

This might be a good time to take a chance on "missing out" for a little while I think.