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06/01/20 7:21 PM

#286665 RE: Pablosrv #286658

OK. That would be good too. I just think they have a tendency not to let people know things and not immediately either. But if you had that conversation, then that would be nice.

I personally, as a general rule, no commentary in you, do not take such statements on bulletin boards seriously. But I appreciate the additional data point on expectations.


06/02/20 7:25 AM

#286701 RE: Pablosrv #286658

No, it has not. DI said they will let people know when data lock occurs. I posted his email a while back.

Apparently NWBO said they will communicate when data has been locked or communicate when there is a delay on given timeline at the ASM PR.

If their word holds merit, then we will here either way one of the two...