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05/30/20 10:36 AM

#286112 RE: beartrap12 #286107

Agreed Beartrap. The funds raised appear to be what’s needed to close out this long played saga and begin a new chapter in a new book.


05/30/20 10:56 AM

#286117 RE: beartrap12 #286107

Do people here really think the CRO was going to close out this trial without getting paid? Did investors here expect analysts to work without payments? I have no idea how much theses services costs, but it’s always a lot higher than I expected.

If that were truly the case then communicate this.

Added to the 424B5: NWBO will spend most of the raised funds on bringing into closure the recently PRed upcoming top line data... or something similar. This would actually spike the SP and not kick it down and even make the recent buyer of the stocks happy (if he/she did not sell already).

Now we/I have to take your guessing word for it..
Let me add. I hope you are right and it does make sense...


05/30/20 11:31 AM

#286133 RE: beartrap12 #286107

Come on. It's about the timing. It couldn't be worse. There is no justification.