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05/29/20 3:13 PM

#22409 RE: Skoda345 #22408

here is some DD on this, fwiw:

A couple of observations about NAK: Shorts posting here are desperate. gold will be at 2500 bucks in 3 years give or take. Heck, Bank of America said you can pen in POG at 3000 0ver time given that world currencies are all in a race to the bottom with the governments printing at it is gonna get so much worse due to aging populations in the west, where the rulers must print or they will be UNelected. So this is how the politicians will keep themselves in office, by printing. And Trump btw is an avowed inflationists. He knows older americans are virtually bankrupt, nothing left in their savings. It is either print paper or let everybody in america (and Europe and Japan, etc) starve to death, and america does not let people starve to death. This tiny company has more gold than the worlds largest Gold company, Newmont mine, in ALL OF THEIR gigantic global deposits. Newman as I type right now has a market cap of 49 BILLION dollars. With the POG at 2500 bucks, Newmont will have a market cap a minimum twice the sizer of its current cap, or 118 billion market cap. (closer to triple imho to tell the truth, well over 150 BILLION, since mining stocks are so out of favor. Newmont will be making billions per quarter with POG at 2500. By comparison, as I type right now, tiny company has a cap of 580 million, yes that is right, million, and with more gold than all of what Newmont has.
But it gets better by far than this: So much of Newmonts gold is spread in hostile jurisdictions, just like the world second largest gold miner Barrack. Both are gonna learn that the gold in these jurisdictions will slowly be taken from them, via taxes and every other way. Barrack was just informed by New Guinea that the country intends to effectively take the Barrick mine wihcih is well over 10 percent of Barracks value right there gone almost overnight. This trend of 3rd world confiscation is picking up steam. This will result in safe jurisdictions like America getting a massive premium.
but it gets even better there is more.
NAKs gold reserves are only (lol 107 million ounces!) about 35 percent of what it owns. 55 percent of its metal is copper, and copper is soon to face a massive world shortage. Copper is the worlds most valuable industrial metal. ......Think about when we come out of this recession, which was self induced and staged. Think about NAKs massive copper reserves which are second largest in the world, with Copper at just 4 bucks, which it is guaranteed to get there with currency debasement........

but wait there is more.....

the CEO has publicly said (quietly) that the initial mine plan is just that, an initial plan. And the big Guy is gonna get elected, even the DEMS concede this......I can easily see a modified mine plan in 5 years which is at least double what is currently planned, which is actually phase 1. The company cannot call it this because the crazies will freak out. I strongly encourage anybody to to to utube and look up Marin Katusa, probably the best living gold investor on earth, and he has the money now to prove it a former math teacher no less....go to his video on Northern Dynasty it is about 25 minutes long. I can assure you will not regret it......Once they get their ROD< which even the EPA is now conceding will be issued, they will have a dozen of the world largest mining companies, a consortium is what they are talking about, banging on their doors to build this mine. At POG 2500, and copper 4 bucks (where it once was), because we are gonna get inflation, that is also guaranteed, this company will have a trillion dollars in metals, *(not even discussing exploration targets they also have very close to the current mine plan)....and today it has a 600 million dollar market cap.l
A little vision please!.........if you cannot connect the dots and see a tad into the future, you should not be in stocks.
Katusa is the worlds great metals investor period....nobody even close since he does all his own work, and has now some of the world top geologists on staff. He says this is the best project in the world and it is easily his largest holding...
ps: sorry about my typing which is terrible,

the EPA has said by both their comments and their action they are not gonna oppose this, which to a court means they are saying it passes legal muster. All that is left is the crazies vs. science and the army corp of engineers. The permit is a done deal. This will be the most sought after and fought after gold and copper project and silver (500 MILLION SILVER OUNCES dont forget them) in the world. Safe jurisdiction. OVER A TRILLION OUNCES OF jurisdiction. Market cap of 560 million, LOL.....ten bagger or more.
Gold is up 20 bucks almost. They have 107 million ounces, so that is 2 billion dollars of in situ value. They have 500 million ounces of silver, silver is up 60 cents...another 2.5 Billion in appreciation in situ value....Almost 5 billion dollars 1 day!..............Hey, a 500 million dollar cap which has appreciation of 5 billion in a single day....
The KEY about this massive recourse, the worlds greatest owned by a single company is that it is in the worlds safest jurisdiction.
There are only 3 for my month:
America, canada and australia.
Properties in these 3 will receive enormous premiums. How much? Who knows but I would think at least 3X the properties in the rest of the world (interestingly enough, Russia is an extremely safe jurisdiction, they actually treat foreign companies better than domestic, but the market still does not trust them)

The mining industry is not able to replace their produced reserves. Each year it is now going down, we are over the cliff, so the big boys in gold MUST find something. There are no more major discoveries. They will have to pay a premium for this the worlds greatest deposit, and safest deposit, and when you consider the copper and the silver, 500 ounces (about what Wheaton has, with its 20 billion dollar market cap, which is once again, spread around tons of dangerous jurisdictions, or what I call confiscation jurisdictions.....
so this must go up dramatically and it will. Once the permit issues and it is almost assured, you will see it at 5 bucks in a hot escalating metals environment.
How can wheaton be worth 40X as much in market cap, where most of its silver is sitting in confiscation jurisdictions?
throw in the worlds greatest gold and greatest copper deposit for free!
Not hundreds of billions but several trillion dollars in in situ metals in the worlds safest jurisdiction. for 580 million in market cap. And NAK owns it all. A flat deposit too, you do not have to tear down half a mountain to mine any of it. Katusa says the top geologist in the world says this is the worlds greatest deposit. On earth.

They could option off some of the adjacent real estate and pick up 100 to 200 million but they already have the drill targets and want to keep it all for themselves. Smart.
This will get bought out in less than a year, there will be a bidding war. The CEO said he wants a consortium from the worlds largest miners to come in, but I think they will bid amongst themselves. He did not sell at 20 bucks a share, not a single share and has bought since.


05/29/20 6:35 PM

#22417 RE: Skoda345 #22408

MORE transport route delays coming means NO permit.

.30's next week?