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05/29/20 1:31 AM

#40449 RE: janice shell #40447

Hospitals Can List Covid-19 as “Cause of Death” When It’s Not

From CDC Website


05/29/20 2:00 AM

#40451 RE: janice shell #40447

So, what do you think?

In the reality of it all

Realistically speaking

As you would speak to your own kids

About the same subject


05/29/20 7:52 AM

#40458 RE: janice shell #40447

Yesterday Dave Davies host of NPR's Fresh Air interviewed the author of TIME mag's article, Reckoning With The Dead: Journalist Goes Inside An NYC COVID-19 Disaster Morgue. If you didn't have a chance to hear this interview, check it out - it's chilling how quickly NYC authorities had to fashion make-shift morgues before families/loved ones could identify the deceased, and how often a deceased person had nobody nearby to claim the body and were buried in a "pauper's grave" on Hart Island, NY (New York City’s potters field).

Link for NPR interview...

Regarding engaging with my neighbor with good questions, it was obvious she was just repeating what she hears in conserv media and does not have REAL facts to back up her claims. It would have been a waste of my time to try to reason with her as I haven't yet met a red hat who questions anything conserv media/Trump says.