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05/28/20 10:45 PM

#40428 RE: hap0206 #40426

just the dem mantra to mail ballots to all on voting rolls

Yes, you nitwit! In the states that they're LIVING in! WTF is wrong with you? How many illegal ballots have you cast in your life?

So did you vote in both CA and GA? #LockHapUp


05/29/20 2:23 AM

#40452 RE: hap0206 #40426

hap, you have a friend on this board

As long as I don't commit conspiracies

Which I have asked to define

We shall see how this goes down

janice shell

05/30/20 1:15 AM

#40623 RE: hap0206 #40426

Never implied that— just the dem mantra to mail ballots to all on voting rolls that Trump is objecting to, and I agree with him

What bullshit. What's being done in a number of states, including mine, is that forms to request a mail-in ballot are being mailed to all registered voters. You fill it out, sign it, send it back in, and they mail you a ballot. You make your choices, and mail it back.

Here and elsewhere, the Republicans are just as enthusiastic about the idea as the Dems are.