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05/26/20 7:49 PM

#68740 RE: DWillie #68739

Where cam I find audited financials for Soulshine?
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05/26/20 8:47 PM

#68745 RE: DWillie #68739

Not a fake suit. $10,000,000 to PBC from CANN , and PBC was contracted to pay CANN’s bills at their request. PBC stopped paying bills for CANN, without explanation. PBC won’t give CANN the balance of their money back. It’s for fraud and breach of contract
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05/27/20 10:54 AM

#68752 RE: DWillie #68739

Since the Costello/Cannatrac pumping press release about CannaTrac - nothing has happened - it was more Costello BS.

"I guess PBC got an exclusive contract with Cannatrac because they have a website?"

I remember that Costello stated his drone nonsense was going to be equipped the CannaTrac payment system.

I am not certain if CannaTrac is successful.

Where is the contract/agreement they signed?