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05/26/20 1:24 PM

#276323 RE: zmanindc #276293


Americans for Pharmaceutical Relief Act

America must strive for innovation and leadership in the field of medicine and pharmaceuticals. The Hatch-Waxman act, while well intended has actually increased pharmaceutical expense and risk to innovation. This places American lives in jeopardy. A pharmaceutical company can file and receive a patent(s) from the USPTO and complete an expensive clinical trial where hundreds of millions of dollars are spent to prove the safety and efficacy of the drug. According to an MIT study, only 14% of drugs taken through clinical trials receive regulatory approval. If a drug is approved in the US, foreign generic suppliers can apply for approval to the FDA under Hatch-Waxman and the pharmaceutical that invented the drug, bore the expense of the clinical trial must defend the patent in court or have their innovation stolen by the foreign generic. To avoid a trial, many pharmaceuticals settle with the generic company and that cost is passed to consumers. Companies settle rather than run the risk that judicial activism can strip them of their innovation. Those that do go through trial must pass the cost to consumers. The cost, and risk to a pharmaceutical hinders innovation and increases the cost to consumers. The act is a means to bolster Hatch-Waxman by providing innovators alternatives that resemble some of the regulations in Europe."

I don't speak Lawyereze..but this paragraph sounds very strong to me. It is said if you wish to call up a demon: you must first learn his name..In this case I see many names "stupidity" (on the part of Du) There is an old saying; "Nothing is as frightening as ignorance in action."is Du really all we have in the Judiciary. An affirmative action example of how someone exists in the murky ground that separates the law from politics. "Connected" I believe is the word..Interestingly enough it has the same meaning in La Cosa Nostra...The word I am looking at is Arrogance..The most amazing thing to me is how this women who was not even born in the USA can boldly put herself in front of both the FDA and USPTO and say she knows more about drugs and patents than they do put together..when it is clear she is incapable of even reading a Medical Journal and getting her information correct..

The problem is not with her,,The problem is we let her and her fellow judges run over us because they are wearing black Robes..Is there nobody willing to call Bull Sh*t on this whole charade. This can not be right... Are we all morons that we watch this arrogant bullsh*ter..throw learned opinions out the window because she is a judge. This is not "Justice"..This is farce..

.Why are we wasting billions of dollars running the FDA to evaluate drugs as to their safety and efficacy. If all it really takes to approve a new medication is an an OK by Judge Du. Why do we need a patent office stuffed with expert when Du the almighty can throw six or seven patents out with a wave of her arm and wink of her eye..Why are we blowing all that money when the solution is so clear...

Why are we putting up with this..are we that brainless...I'd like to see these judges pass a state medical licence exam. Before they made such momentous decisions..Barring that..I feel they are stealing my money and are nothing more than thieves in black robes..It.s a con game and we are all the dupes...

":>) JL