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05/23/20 5:49 PM

#284614 RE: Whitewater55 #284612

I disagree just a little. I think Data Lock is a milestone, with milestones being one of the constant and long standing criticisms of the management. I think it would be an event for that reason alone and might further loosen the wallets of larger buyers


05/23/20 8:04 PM

#284634 RE: Whitewater55 #284612

With NWBO it is Don’t Trust then Verify.

Just because an commitment was made by this management team does not mean that it will happen as long term shareholders know all too well.

But even I doubt that they would lie so clearly as to claim data clock happened when it did not.

And if they PR Data Lock then that would be a show of good faith and would help begin to restore the shattered trust of many shareholders and markets.