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05/23/20 6:32 PM

#284621 RE: iwasadiver #284611

You wrote on these pages some months back about hydroxychloroquine being used by docs in Korea and Italy, and docs in the US starting to it off label on CV-19 patients. In your personal experience and opinion is it warranted for giving it to those with the virus, same question about prolactic use? I don't want to drag you into a potentially political question, but I believe you had mentioned that you were using it so I wonder what the view of that therapy is from one who probably was actually on the front lines in NYC ER in the past weeks and would have been seeing a lot of patients dying from CV-19.


05/24/20 9:11 AM

#284715 RE: iwasadiver #284611

#DDAmanda Chart on: $NWBO:

Previous Charts: PCTL, CYDY, AMRN, FNMA, IPIX
