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05/23/20 2:22 PM

#17492 RE: huggies #17489

But ofcourse im not a prophet. If it happens it happens. You all be rich. Glta. Take care.


05/23/20 2:25 PM

#17494 RE: huggies #17489

We are the ones doing the buying but there may be a flourishing private logistics co that may wanna tag on to go public, hmmmmmm, GLTA, $TLSS


05/23/20 2:32 PM

#17498 RE: huggies #17489

Thanks tons for the honest reply huggies


05/23/20 2:37 PM

#17502 RE: huggies #17489

Amazon has Prime Air and they will deploy thousands if not millions of drones soon to start delivering packages. The fact is, this new world we all live in where people are more apt to shop online is not going away anytime soon. Especially with COVID-19 lingering around for who knows how long. Amazon does not have the resources to deliver every package or supply every fulfillment center on their own. They absolutely need partners. This is where company’s like TLSS come in to fill the gaps. If TLSS can turn their business around and operate efficiently which I see them on the path to doing so, they can only become more and more profitable as they continue to grow their business. Full steam ahead for this company imo.