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05/18/20 12:31 PM

#723 RE: PotsandPans420 #722

I would answer that with it depends on a couple factors:

Are they first to develop a working and reliable marijuana breathalyzer, are they in the middle of the pack when it finally comes out or are they last in line.

If you were on the call today they talked about it being 2-3 years out with the possibility of it happening sooner - they finally admitted that it is the #1 priority. All of the other revenue streams are peanuts compared to MMJ breathalyzer opportunity.

I believe the overall market for a cannabis breathalyzer could be in the $10 Billion area. With minimal competition, I could see Lifeloc (or anyone who develops a working version) capturing at least 10% of the overall market = $1 Billion.

I would have to imagine that Lifeloc (or any other competitor) with a working and reliable marijuana breathalyzer being worth a conservative $250 Million - $500 Million. Remember BLOZF traded at a market cap of $350 Million with nothing but hype!

Wayne talked about seeing a 5-10 x growth in stock price with the finalization of the SpixDx technology to monitor disease progression. If you add in the other drugs of abuse and disease component, this could see exponential growth. That's where the massive opportunity lies. Lifeloc trades in the 100's at that point. With production and sales of a MMJ breathalyzer LCTC will trade 25-50 X where it is today.

The call had some things to look forward to but also more of the same old, same old.