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05/18/20 8:16 AM

#39582 RE: SoxFan #39579

What's really stupid is how the cdc and the who handled this whole CoronaVirus situation....not to mention how most of the World's countries did.

If you have something that spreads by mouth...wouldn't the logical solution be to put a barrier on the mouth by some kind of face covering? That simple solution seems to have eluded most....


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05/18/20 12:15 PM

#39597 RE: SoxFan #39579

Gosh, sox -- as Forest would say -- stupid is as stupid does

So stupid are the libs/dems/lefties

So overmatched by Trump et al

Your only hope of winning N0v 3 would be

1 - the virus gets worst, not better
2 - the country stays in lock-down
3 - Unemployment continues
4 - Trump doesn't nail Biden for his Ukraine/China financial windfalls

Guess what -- none of that will happen

The USA triumphs once again -- the jobs necessary for production did not disappear -- t

So, brace yourself -- Trump gets four more years
