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05/18/20 2:04 AM

#274404 RE: marjac #274398

Marjac -that is a well conceived and brilliantly expounded basis of complaint as to Judge DU’s conduct- why don’t YOU submit it as a formal complaint -??- irrespective of how Amarin/Singer may wish to consider this - it does no harm (on the contrary) to Amarins case - indeed every Amarin shareholder should consider laying this complaint .... a wall of formal complaint about this Judge will serve well - and formal complaints have to be investigated ... especially as to a Judge
It may be that Amarin/Singer will use this directly in the Appeal in any event - although quite how such will be worked in is in my view unclear - but the formal complaint you can lay will play its part in other ways


05/18/20 2:50 AM

#274406 RE: marjac #274398

“I get tutored on varied technical issues involved in patent cases such as learning how tasers work or the benefits of fish oil.”

She got fukking tutored on fish oil and then ruled on Vascepa patent case?! WTF, the dum$hit kid down the street gets tutored on his math homework just so he can make a C- and pass the 4th grade. Lovely how well "tutoring" on fish oil paid off concerning her patent expertise. We got royally fukked big time by an incompetently appointed for life judge. What is wrong with this world? I trust the FDA and USPTO more than this buffoon of a judge du. This appeal better hurry the eff up, because we are getting screwed the more we delve into this judge du-fus character. Tutored? I think I'll get tutored on how to fly a plane next week and then take off for the skys as a pilot. Sounds par for the course on Du-fus.

This judge should have been an expert on AMRN and Vascepa and the trials and tribulations of the last decade by the time she ruled on this case. We all know she was not an expert on EPA or fish-oil or anything in this patent case. She just "winged" it as always and will let the appeals court do the right thing and actually delve into the facts of the case I suppose. Seems to be her modus operandi. Lazy. Pure laziness. Went in with hindsight and pre-conceived "fish oil" bias. Sounds like exactly what AMRN has been up against for over a decade now. The "fish oil" correlation with their pure EPA drug Vascepa. Amazing.

"Tutor me please, I have to destroy a company on the verge of saving millions of lives in the United States. I have an afternoon free after I watch Sesame Street after school. Teach me all about fish oil so I can base my ruling on what I learn from being tutored."


05/18/20 5:36 AM

#274409 RE: marjac #274398

Who will do what you suggest


05/18/20 7:19 AM

#274414 RE: marjac #274398

Great post! A complaint should be filed hopefully by Amarin. BB

Bill B

05/18/20 7:34 AM

#274418 RE: marjac #274398

Should the complaint also make reference to Du's use of the term fish oil during the trial itself?


05/18/20 7:36 AM

#274419 RE: marjac #274398

Marjac...The denigrators of Vascepa have for years used "fish oil" as a pejorative to describe the drug ...(some because they wanted to show contempt for a competitor) ...that is why I was particularly struck by the fact that judge Du used the term "fishy oil" to describe Vascepa during the trial. Either the judge was unaware of how the term has been misused over the years or she had a negative mindset about Vascepa during the trial.

The description "fish" oil has been used by those, who would put a negative connotation on Vascepa...that it is not a drug , but a dietary supplement....even though Vascepa has been declared "standard of care" by the American Diabetic Asociation.


05/18/20 8:11 AM

#274421 RE: marjac #274398

Would it shock us at all if MRC himself helped to “tutor” Judge DU


05/18/20 8:20 AM

#274424 RE: marjac #274398

Marjac, Bravo! Thank you!



05/18/20 11:40 AM

#274466 RE: marjac #274398

Marjac, outstanding work. Thank you and thanks to the poster that brought this issue to our attention.


05/18/20 11:46 AM

#274469 RE: marjac #274398

Can I play devil’s advocate? I am actually pretty confident that fish oil was distinguished from Vascepa in open court/in briefs, and which would make her comment true.

Her reference to fish oil did not imply (to me) that she thinks Vascepa is fish oil.

Additionally, I got bored getting to the meat of your argument (objectively), meaning a very busy judge (or her clerk) may simply dismiss it if it doesn’t have a very meaty, concise and immediately-to-the-point CONCLUSION.

It’s beautifully written but feels like a stretch to condemn her for such a small number of words that are likely already true.

No bad will in saying this. I would appreciate the same from my work, as well


05/18/20 12:29 PM

#274492 RE: marjac #274398



05/19/20 11:23 AM

#274727 RE: marjac #274398

Bravo,Marjac! Did you sent this as a statement to the court or file an Amicus referencing this yourself?


05/19/20 12:44 PM

#274745 RE: marjac #274398

LOL … pathetic …


05/19/20 5:13 PM

#274794 RE: marjac #274398

A most excellent memo - I wasn't aware of that Nevada Lawyer interview - she indeed learned nothing about V during the trial. Can I make one suggestion? I would work "icosapent ethyl" into Section C, to further distinguish that V is entirely different from "fish oil" by chemical composition - fish oil in it's naturally occurring state is in the triglyceride form, while V undergoes processing that creates a molecule that doesn't occur in nature, the ethyl ester form of EPA, icosapent ethyl (which automatically defines it as a drug by FDA regs). Will be interesting to see how AMRN responds to your submission and whether they really should work it into the appeal somehow - various legal experts like Markman have stated that AMRN should be laser focused on one or two issues, and something like this might just be a distraction.


05/19/20 6:46 PM

#274818 RE: marjac #274398

did not a EU or German doctor group officially term fish oil useless? -- cannot locate study and press now. Du should be made to eat 4g of fishy oil daily.


05/20/20 1:10 PM

#274904 RE: marjac #274398

marjac, your C Vascepa vs. Fish Oil, finally I found EU study quoted here,

fish oil/Omega 3 fatty, see post 167416 by Whalatane 12/15/18 6:48p P,



08/31/20 3:16 PM

#294028 RE: marjac #274398

Bump: Marjac complaint against Du...Everyone review why the judges might “know” about Du complaint. Panel can remand case...but in our circumstances it’s not the best choice to enact justice.