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05/13/20 11:40 PM

#282522 RE: alphapuppy #282519

Well said
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05/13/20 11:41 PM

#282523 RE: alphapuppy #282519

I share the same sentiment and anger you conveyed. If there is any truth in the setting though, the company must proceed as planned: Data Lock by end of May, Topline Data by early July, and the data must be reasonably positive or approval worthy.

Then, as share price rises significantly, a squeeze can still happen since those large numbers of warrants cannot be exercised before Nov, leaving previously hedged shares in effect naked, and no holders of these shares, now naked, would wait until Nov warrant exercise and share paying back, because nobody knows what would be happen in between in terms of share price, and the holders have books to balance.

Then, there will be lots of margin calls, and forced covering, propelling share price further higher.

Nonetheless, if those warrant holders, now realize their previously warrant hedged shares have become naked, start to cover in a significant way in the next several weeks before topline data announcement by early July, then it will be hard to see any squeeze after topline data announcement.

Either way share price will appreciate substantially, with the former much higher.

Even if there will be no significant squeeze, share price will definitely go up significantly with good data. So in this sense the interest of Linda and ours are still aligned.

BTW, it seems the company is still on track according to my inquiry to Dave and his answer, and also Umibe's conversation with Les.
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05/14/20 1:00 AM

#282525 RE: alphapuppy #282519

Alphapuppy, very well articulated! As much as the naked short theory might be true, the management is also upto some games that some smart people like you, and a few others are able to interpret, which seems a real possibility, and perhaps even obvious at this point.

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05/14/20 3:59 AM

#282533 RE: alphapuppy #282519

100%AGREE 1000% AGREE, I could puke all day AND night
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Basin Street Blues

05/14/20 4:00 AM

#282534 RE: alphapuppy #282519

Agreed although there would never have been a short squeeze because there have not been any sizeable shorts for a long time.

I have long believed netting out Advent, Cognate & NWBO Powers has low to no skin in the game from a cash perspective.

If the board agreed her warrant extension without seriously compelling positive evidence at hand they will all look complicit but as to ramification ... there will be none, nada, zero.

If we had even ONE institutional share holder she NEVER could have got away with that gratis unexplained extension.

So here we sit sub .17 cents for one reason never ending dilution .

I have dealt with corporate lawyers all of my life internal and external counsel , and I still do , check out the numerous jokes about them - they are regarded as the most slippery self serving profession of all for a reason... and we have two at our helm.

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05/14/20 4:52 AM

#282538 RE: alphapuppy #282519

I have said it for years. Linda powers is a self dealing disgrace.

This is why shares are 15 cents.

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05/14/20 8:02 AM

#282549 RE: alphapuppy #282519


Ditto, please read my response to Hankman. Legally, LG can offer different deals to different investors. However, for each deal structured, he has a fiduciary duty to obtain fair value. In the case of LP and other big holders, he did not. As a lawyer, I believe he breached his fiduciary duty, so did LP and the rubber stamp BOD. This is over reaching and unjust enrichment to a fair thee well. It stinks. Cognate like behavior all over again? And LP and company have three years to get value on their extensions! Why so long? I only got one year and had to pay cash. Do you think I am happy? How do you think I would feel if during the restrictive period they did another dilutive raise? When is enough enough?? I find it amazing that very few MB members are concerned about this and there are still those who defend this kind of self dealing. No wonder LP thinks she can get away with this behavior. JMHO.
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05/15/20 1:51 PM

#282767 RE: alphapuppy #282519

Yes with LP’s free give-a-way warrant extension I guess I should be thankful and I’m quite surprised, that she didn’t extend her warrants for 300 years. Why stop at only three years?

So I guess we have that to be thankful for.
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05/15/20 2:38 PM

#282774 RE: alphapuppy #282519

Very well said she will always milk this company for her own means!!

Totally unbelievably wrong and unconscionable.

I AGREE !! She cares nothing about her investors.
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05/15/20 10:10 PM

#282819 RE: alphapuppy #282519

Alpha puppy:

I enjoy reading your posts. You are credible and your posts are very informative and well thought out. Only problem is that you don't post enough.

Having said that, I am curious as to what you mean by saying that the trial will be "completely" successful.

Are you saying that the PFS primary endpoint will be met after adjudication? What will the delta be and how will it be measured?

Will the secondary endpoint also be met? In discussions with LG he said that late vaccinations are also efficacious--everybody is living longer! Bodes well for rGBM.

Where do you think we come out at OS36/48/60?

How robust do you see the long tail as being? Is it mostly M+? MES? Note that Brad Silver was M+ but expressed EGFR which is a signature for classical. MES is usually NF-1. In discussions with LG I recall him saying that the vaccine works across all markers and claimed that the tail was not only long but robust.

What is the significance of identifying IDH mutation so late in the trial? In discussions with LG he said that the results of the trial will be so good that the naysayers/malevolent forces and bigP which have revenue streams to protect will attack these very good results by claiming that they were "cherry picked". It is the only argument they have left and so IDH mutation identification to counter cherry picking FUD,among others.

The RA process is over. Would not say whether received direct comments on SAP but made clear no approval is required. Did say that the guidelines set forth by FDA in December, 2019 appeared to be like a direct response to what they had put into the finalized draft SAP(November). It is on the 4 corners so to speak and even though publicly deseminated these guidelines appeared to LG as a direct comment wrt to their SAP.

Did not say that query resolution is over. There still may be some. Would not say if IDH completed. Ditto for PFS adjudication.

How does he know that the results are so good that they want to make sure that there is no stone unturned in attacking the trial results. That is what is taking so much time. Their intelligence is very good. You can credit CB and that is why nothing is ever said about him. They are happy that people complain and ask why he is on the board. They like it that way. They know who and what is going on and are leaving nothing to chance. Stressed that I and others on the outside have little idea of what is really going on and he won't reveal.

Would appreciate your response on why you believe the trial will be "completely" successful. While LG said the results will be so good, he did not claim that the trial would be "completely" successful. TIA.
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Poor Man -

05/15/20 11:52 PM

#282822 RE: alphapuppy #282519

That’s right Alpha, LP has brazenly used retail investors. At first it was just what I call pick pocketing, where many investors didn’t notice the oddity of certain transactions, and even some would come to their defense, arguing that she had every right to take bills out of your wallet.

But this last move with the warrant extension, LP didn’t even attempt any slight of hand, instead using her fist to just give everyone the middle finger. I believe this should really settle any argument about their intentions.

Longer term investors that averaged down and those that took advantage of the warrant extensions, both still have an opportunity for significant returns on their investment.