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05/14/20 6:21 AM

#273490 RE: concapk #273300

@concapk Thx! Your explanation makes perfect sense and seems much more in line how things work in reality. I am a bit tired of these socialist conspiracy theories especially from quarters that wholeheartedly applaud all the attempts to undermine one of the oldest democracies in the world in annihilating freedom of press, separation of powers, vote for all etc... done by by a pre-fascist government that openly admires any murderous tyrannt and dictator in the world as long as he can wield unchecked power over his substitutes.
I am getting sick of how reason along with decency is discarded on a whim by people who long to restore a state of affairs already antiquated in the 50ies and suicidal in the 60ies.
It reminds me of the bigotry of "pro-Lifers" that want to force minor girls that have been raped to deliver babies and drop them like they had rabies once the babies are born without medicare or social assistance left alone counselling. It all boils down to "Freedom" being an empty word which is translated to "if you are poor feel free to die on your own"
Having been at UCLA I am appalled at what my old room mates report to me about this growing discrepancy between the standards afforded in the top private hospitals and what is left for public health Therefore on first glance it would seem reasonable that a judge with a social conscience might lean instinctively towards generics BUT (!) a stickler to protocol like Judge Du showed herself as in the early innings of this trial would not have strayed from her own stronghold.
Just remember how she confessed early on that AMARIN's arguments were intuitively convincing and that VASCEPA obviously was a drug for chronic conditions counteracting the hyperbole of the generics that they were looking for a time limited use application only?
Your theory sums up how things work in reality. That is refreshing!


05/14/20 7:32 AM

#273497 RE: concapk #273300

concapk...Your narrative makes sense...Judge Du was a partner in a Reno Navada law firm when she was appointed to the US district court...President Obama nominated her for chief justice on the court in September 2019...the Amarin vs. Generics case came a few months later in early the time she had to make her decision, the COV-19 epidemic was already in a new chief justice, her many duties gave her little time to dwell on or to write a detailed analysis of the case...this may explain why she chose to just copy the Generics brief in her decision.

IMO the factual and procedural errors would not have made by a more experienced patent judge with more time to devote to the case.


05/14/20 8:30 PM

#273764 RE: concapk #273300

concakp, very plausible to me.