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05/13/20 7:53 AM

#273226 RE: ziploc_1 #273225

Evil and ambitious often go hand in hand


05/13/20 8:35 AM

#273232 RE: ziploc_1 #273225

I'm ambitious. And I hear there is a lot of money to be made in selling cocaine to school kids. Doesn't mean I'm going to do it. Some of us have morals and ethics to uphold law.


05/13/20 8:42 AM

#273236 RE: ziploc_1 #273225


Normally you and I see eye to eye..But I am surprised at your post...

I don't see it that way at all..I see her as a prime example of "affirmative action"...and she is simply way over her head..She also has an agenda which favors the generics.. She very well could be trying to do her part in lowering the cost of medicine and I can appreciate that..Just got a
a three month supply of Vascepa at a cost of $580...But I put that on the FDA which moved the RI label date back to late Dec.2019 and made Vascepa a tier 4 medication for Medicare patients (no coupons). Till the next open enrollment in Nov or Dec 2020.

Ed you sound a little like Marc Anthony at Julius Caesars funeral..

"The noble Brutus
Hath told you Caesar was ambitious:
If it were so, it was a grievous fault,
And grievously hath Caesar answer'd it."

Ambition and evil are frequent bed fellows...But in this case I think we have enough ignorance to more than explain the situation..I understand her motivation might be noble in her own mind..She just is not thinking the the thing through the whole way..

":>) JL


05/13/20 8:56 AM

#273238 RE: ziploc_1 #273225

ZIP: Didn't I read early on that this was her FIRST patent case she ever took on? You noted that she was not favorable to patents...


05/13/20 9:22 AM

#273247 RE: ziploc_1 #273225

Destroying property rights to get ahead in her judicial career isn't evil?? Oops.

Oh wait you're also saying she's competent. Where in her Amarin trial ruling did you see competence? Did you read Singer's appeal brief?


05/13/20 9:49 AM

#273257 RE: ziploc_1 #273225

Du - let us all remember how colossal was the damage that she has caused - billions of value has been lost to the shareholders of Amarin -no doubt countless thousands of shareholders and pension holders were relying on the value of their shares in this company - value destroyed at the stroke of her pen when she signed off her order- she has put in jeopardy the distribution of a vital drug that will save the lives of many thousands of people each year
Judge Du had a duty and an obligation to diligently and impartially try this case applying appropriately legal precedents and arriving at an accurate and balanced assessment of the facts.
She failed in her duty - there can be few judicial failures as gross as this one in the history of the USA district court


05/13/20 9:56 AM

#273260 RE: ziploc_1 #273225

Z - how can you possibly put these two lines in the same paragraph?

1. She saw it as an opportunity to emerge from relative obscurity and establish her credentials...

2. not evil...she is just ambitious

If its true (WHAT YOU SAY - putting her career ahead of thousands of lives) and (ACCORDING TO YOU) if that is not evil, then what is evil?


05/15/20 9:08 AM

#273861 RE: ziploc_1 #273225


The irony of this whole Du situation is the most likely rationale behind the Du decision is a desire to lower the cost of medicine and the cost to individuals...And in fact her decision is not going to have that effect at all...

Since Vascepa actually cuts the cost of health care in the USA (according to ICER)... The fact is use of Vascepa is clearly effected by marketing and the Generics do not market..As a result; the cost of medicine actually goes up..the savings in using a cheaper Tier 1 drug and fewer V scripts (due to less marketing) results in an increase in CVD events due to failing to use Vascepa results in higher medical costs because the cost of treating these events is so much higher than the cost of using Vascepa.."4 gms of prevention is worth more than a pound of procedures.

Maybe Amarin's lawyers can point that out to Du and the learned AC judges..

":>) JL