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05/10/20 3:24 PM

#125324 RE: User-65225 #125323

Or how about this J Crew experiential event last year, which they planned, setup and managed. Do they really need full time people to do this stuff?

They are keeping the company lean by outsourcing in ANY market... and they appear to be getting the job done. Where is the issue?!...


05/10/20 3:36 PM

#125325 RE: User-65225 #125323

I guess it's just fine if they want to stay at less than $2 million in revenues. When you're, essentially, a caterer, you don't need that many, I guess.

Once upon a time, XA was on track for $10M in revenues. Why invest to build that business, right?

Where is there an issue with their employment structure?