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05/07/20 9:12 AM

#271793 RE: rafunrafun #271789

Raf, That would be ironic to say the least. My approach would be
to get Vascepa adopted by the military to very quickly determine
if Vascepa should be provided for all active duty members of the
military. (Wish we had some contacts.)


05/07/20 9:18 AM

#271795 RE: rafunrafun #271789

And another thought provoking topic: Dr. Bhatt has tweeted endlessly about COVID19. "Risk of death skyrockets when COVID-19 patients have both CVD and myocardial injury." WHY DOES HE FAIL TO MENTION VASCEPA POST COVID RECOVERY? Are Bhatt/Amarin runnning a RWE study right now? Did they tell Bhatt to not mention anything regarding this...

Here is a thought provoking topic:

What if China gets the RI label rather than the MARINE label and Amarin loses the patent battle (in USA), in a race to being the world's #1 power, this instantly puts USA in a disadvantage, with CVD being the #1 killer and no ability to advertise Vascepa to the masses in the USA.

Here are Terra's comments on this topic:

This needs to get to the white house.


05/07/20 9:56 AM

#271812 RE: rafunrafun #271789

HOLY .....


05/07/20 10:04 AM

#271814 RE: rafunrafun #271789

Raf, CVD cost to US economy is north of $600 billion / year and going much higher in future years (obesity, demographics)


05/07/20 10:06 AM

#271816 RE: rafunrafun #271789

I forward your thoughts to IR.


05/07/20 1:52 PM

#271879 RE: rafunrafun #271789


China gets the RI label rather than the MARINE label

As I mentioned previously it is a crucial / important aspect: the current status - invalid MARINE patents - has (could be has) an affect on "MARINE countries". As Chine is a big one: it is important / relevant issue.

W/o knowledge of the approved (applied) indication in Chine … and (or) the "final" status of MARINE status … nobody could assign a (real) value to RoW.

e.g.: China … at lesast three / four possible value exist

(1) China / MARINE & patents are invalid
(2) China / MARINE & patents are valid
(3) China / REDUCE-IT & patents are invalid
(4) China / REDUCE-IT & patents are valid

What is the real value w/o know the exact status ...
