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05/05/20 10:36 AM

#624081 RE: UpTickMeA$AP #624079

Moving manufacturing facilities to China is the decisions are made by businessman. Do not forget, our basic philosophy of this country is based on economy. Not parties, nor you and me.


05/05/20 1:26 PM

#624101 RE: UpTickMeA$AP #624079

Geo.Herbert Walker Bush, father of Geo. Bush sold out the American manufacturing business when he allowed "Globalization", which allowed american business to relocate in china, thereby abandoning the workers in this country...products made in china, were allowed to be imported to america tax free, and left a trail of laid off workers being subsidized by the public for health care, unemployment, and unfunded pensions....the result lead to massive unemployment, and the famous words he uttered were "read my lips, no more taxes", lead to his failure to be nominated for a second term as president, and paved the way for the ascension to the presidency of Bill Clinton....President Lincoln was perhaps the first republican president, but he embodied the magnanimous spirit of a great leader, and that is to govern all people in american society, in all races, creeds and social standing...with the same treatment of law....the present condition of America, as it exists today is neither a Red, nor Blue failure, but can be blamed on both isles of the Senate and congress....America is in crisis today, and democracy is being tested.....just as the 1932 presidential election , democracy was tested by a resurgence of communism in this country as a result of the 1929 careful who you vote for this time... Lodas


05/05/20 3:44 PM

#624127 RE: UpTickMeA$AP #624079

Actually that was Nixon and every - every - president since then

And by using cheaper labor elsewhere we reduced our spending on manufactured goods to 50 cents of each dollar we earned from 75 cents and that other 25 cents went to savings - rent - food - movies - health care

the mistake - big time - made by both parties over and over - was not focusing in the 1/10th of 1% or so that got clobbered !!! by such exodus of jobs

we could never keep those jobs here ---- unless we went communist or fascist --- free markets would move that activity away from higher cost labor no longer needed

but while such savings came back to 99++% of Americans it beat up a lot of workers

We needed to give them - from the Federal GOV - say two years of base pay of reasonable amount and vouchers for re-education ---- and indeed to offer to help with relocation expenses

as a LIBERAL Free Market Capitalist who believes GOV must intervene on occasion - such intervention could have created a win win

trying to keep sewing shirts and underwear in the South was futile

(our history had a ton of garment work in the NE - then it moved south - to non labor states - then it moved to Mexico - and from there Japan and then China and then Malaysia as the owners kept moving shop to where the labor was good enough and cheaper - over and over

again - that brings us goods at low prices - but we pay a price for that and needed to help out

And if you want to see the biggest example of gut wrenching pain - go to Europe during the GREAT INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION -- which displaced tons and more tons of workers

It was not DEMS or REPS or NAFTA or SHAFTA that did it -- it is the free flow of capital to better locations

So unless you want a dictatorship and fascism or communism - and higher and higher prices --- accept capitalism in its real form (as it produces wealth and more wealth) and then have the GOV finally reverse the last 5 tax cuts the only helped the 5% (which solidly includes me for 25 years of earnings)