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12/14/06 10:39 AM

#3090 RE: hollywoodFL #3089

Good Information Hollywood,

We appreciate all of the accurate information provided by you and Utah Carl. Thank you....there always seems to be much more surrounding every LOI that we will ever know.

There are a few comments that I want to make about RSW.
Currently the sky is the limit as far as opportunities to sell RSW water.

We have identified structured water, flavored water, alcoholic beverages/ water combination processes, military pouches, Crystal Splash, private label water for casinos, restaurants, water distributors, foreign countries including the Middle East region, Africa and Canada.

It seems that Harel has his hands full and may want to explore the use of outsourcing a professional sales team to specifically address each area.

If the manufacturing end is actually ready....and as Utah Carl mentioned "All we need is sales"...then let's go get them !!

Sign a contract with the best Sales company you can find and let her rip.....we have the capacity..RSW continually mentions let's go !!

As far as Utah Carl's annoyance about the Togo - Data deals, I agree.
The best thing that Harel Alex and Maxwell can do right now is go back and give us, the valuable shareholders, an update on EVERY ONE of the published LOI's.

They indeed approved the issuance of the information and I'm sure that it was accurate, to the best of their knowledge, at the time. But, we deserve an accurate picture RIGHT NOW. I for one, would not sell a single share after learning that a few LOI's did not work out and are no longer being pursued. That happens to the largest companies in the world every day.....Boeing, Microsoft, Dell all experience that problem.
Be honest, take them off the table and clean up the web site.
I would feel better as a shareholder to have an accurate update on every press release issued. It would actually make me more confident in the company to learn that there is STILL a chance that a deal could be closed on any of the LOI's that we realistically believe are already dead...Let's move ahead.

I congratulate RSW on all of the hard work getting the plant ready. Opening the doors to the shareholders and press put to rest any hint of RSPG being a "shell" company. It is for real !! This company is moving very fast from a development stage company into a actual revenue producing 1st stage company.

A corporate update is necessary.

Put the LOI controversy to rest...give us the current status of previous press releases today. Shelly Gold could help you write it...on second thought...

I would leave Maxwell out of it. Harel and Alex are MUCH more reputable.

Good progress has been made in these areas:

1. The improper registration is being cleaned up (Auditors were fired and the new one is correcting the SEC problems which prevented the scheduled move to the BB) the BB move must be very close at this point...there are financial releases coming daily and it is clear that we are fully reporting.

2. All rumors of a dirty, broken down plant were eliminated with the open house and water quality certification along with the additional Bromate testing.

3. We have out 1st purchase order for 99 only stores. Not a LOI or signed actual purchase order from a reputable retail customer with 223 stores.



1. Now, give us an update on every LOI and company mentioned in any previous PR.

2. Announce in a PR when your first sale is completed and shipped. Continue to issue PR's every time a new order is shipped to a new client.

3. Give us a PR update on the status of the BB move.

If you take care of these few remaining problem areas...your company would be viewed in a much better light.

Step up into the spotlight and stand is the time!


Utah Carl

12/14/06 1:04 PM

#3091 RE: hollywoodFL #3089

"Please go back to the press release issued by RSW where they notified us that they have not received the funds from the TOGO contract and have given them a short extension and will cancel their deal if the funds do not arrive."


Thank you, hollywoodFL. The point is that RSW's website says there is a Togo, Africa purchase order and contract. There is nothing informing potential investors to the RSW site that the Togo contract/purchase order ceased months ago. How many shares are still being sold many months later based on that misinformation?

Regarding the Clark County school system, months ago a press release was issued, through Maxwell, announcing a bottled water contract Data Commodities obtained with the Clark County school system, using RSW water.

That press release was 100% totally false (according to the school system). How many shares of RSW stock were purchased based on a false press release issued by Maxwell, RSW and Data Commodities?

I am with you regarding February's 10Q, but if you think of water as milk, how long would it take for a new milk producer to push competitors out of the way to get on shelves? I think some are counting on Mr. Hazan, Mr. Goldstein, Maxwell and other major investors (i.e. Canadian) to keep the company afloat through 2007.

To paraphrase another poster, RSW needs to take a long hot bath, scrub itself clean, say good-by to friends with questionable ethical and legal pasts, lose the Las Vegas/Hollywood/rich Canadian image and be open and honest with its shareholders, potential shareholders and the public. Their water is being pumped from the Heartland of the United States.

(China looks beautiful on tv! Have safe and joyous holiday trip!)

Utah Carl

12/14/06 2:56 PM

#3092 RE: hollywoodFL #3089

"I was at the open house and the place was amazing. The potential for growth is astounding. It certainly seemed as a start up factory - I could smell the fresh blue paint on some of the doors in some of the rooms."

I haven't been to the plant site, but believe everything you say.

I called the business editor of the Amarillo Globe yesterday and asked why they had not reported the points you make. I contacted RSPG and Maxwell to suggest they encourage the newspaper to go in-depth (after all, RSPG is investing in an unused Holly Sugar plant and inserting economic development into the community). The Amarillo Globe responded.

The business editor said they consider the event a typical "ribbon-cutting," which may never make it to print.

That's a crock, but no one (except a poster here) told him otherwise.

Where was RSPG's public relations / publicist assigned to make this the regional/national newsworthy story that it is? Where was Maxwell, the attorneys and accountants (SEC specialists) that I was told in August would attend to answer questions?

Instead, from reports, shareholders, investors and other invited guests were greeted by policemen and 3 police dogs.

Then guests reportedly were directed to an area where they had to remove and turn-in cameras, tape recorders, etc. There was reportedly no opportunity for the public to publicly ask questions, many of which have been posted at this site for months. The local newspaper is considering this a typical, common, run-of-the-mill ribbon-cutting, not a news-worthy event, but the company had no one to explain otherwise.

Today, we know the plant exists, is apparently clean, guests were greeted by police and police dogs, the local newspaper doesn't consider this event newsworthy and "investor relations" didn't see the need to travel down to Texas to relate with investors who maybe can't afford first class airfare to Paris and write-ups in Canadian glamor magazines (ok, I shouldn't have said that, because I don't know if previous linked posts here about that are accurate.)