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05/01/20 2:14 PM

#224887 RE: srinsocal #224882

This crisis Should be a lesson for everyone,The bible says lay not up for yourselves treasures where thieved break through and steal.We should use every opportunity to do good.
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05/01/20 4:51 PM

#224912 RE: srinsocal #224882

So easy to misunderstand online so I'll clear it up. I wasn't talking about KW...was talking about us as the respective shareholders, like you and me. can pare down one's holdings, or add, or sell it all. What KW does with hers is not my concern.

Forums are a great way to share; sometimes it gets messed-up I guess?

And I like that quote. Watched Leo Buscaglia all the time. Passed on too early.

Here's one I like too...variations can be found online:

It's not what you know that causes's what you think you know that ain't so
~ Mark Twain