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04/29/20 9:55 AM

#270065 RE: Robert C Jonson #270062

RCJ, Some suggestions for you and your wife to increase the
effectiveness of Vascepa. Take your Vascepa on a full
stomach with some fat. The fat helps to absorb the EPA
into the bloodstream. Make sure your on a statin as well.

With regard to other things you can do you can consider
taking Turmeric (1 gram a day with some black pepper)
also to be taken with some fat. (Nuts will do.) Turmeric
is also an anti-inflammatory and reduces Triglyceride levels.

Good luck!


04/29/20 10:00 AM

#270067 RE: Robert C Jonson #270062


Welcome to the board...Trig levels reflect SI levels...SI levels are determined principally by EPA/AA levels..Most likely in your wife's situation her AA/EPA level is too high...This could be related to a diet too high in Arachidonic Acid (AA)...You can get this checked at Quest Diagnostic which will do an AA/EPA ratio..

A diet high corn fed animal meat might..Walnuts are also very high in AA...

Chronic inflammatory disease could also account for increased SI levels..

Flax seed oil is touted for its N-3 effects but unfortunately it actually raises AA levels...

Good luck...

":>) JL


04/29/20 10:19 AM

#270069 RE: Robert C Jonson #270062
Learn more from your cells with the Omega-3 Index Plus Test:
Your Omega-3 Index
Trans Fat Index
Omega-6:Omega-3 Ratio
AA:EPA Ratio
All in one drop of blood.
Only: $74.95

Robert C Jonson

04/29/20 10:46 AM

#270070 RE: Robert C Jonson #270062

CBB. JL, and FP, thanks for your replies and suggestions. I’ll take a look at them.


04/29/20 12:24 PM

#270088 RE: Robert C Jonson #270062

Robert, you can find a lot of information on the subject of n6/n3 levels. The post 20th century western diet is "very" high in n6/n3 levels. For thousands of years, man had a far more equal ratio, and it wasn't until the 20 Century that the ratio became so imbalanced. The Western Diet has been described as having a 15:1 ratio, HIGHLY INFLAMMATORY. Man went from a 1:1 to a 15:1 !!

A recent study (link below) wanted to see if a dietary change in young obese adults could reduce their levels of "fatty liver." The participants came into the study on diets that were high in n6/n3. After 12 weeks, the study showed fatty liver was reduced by switching to a diet with higher levels of n3/n6.

In the Japanese Jelis study, they used a daily dose of 1.8 grams. Vascapa's 4 gram formulation overcomes the Western Diet inbalances, to achieve the levels we see among the Japanese. Amarin's 4 grams of EPA is no small feat. It would take 40 OTC pills to provide the equivilance. Given all the data, it shouldn't take a mathematician to believe everyone would benefit from Vascepa. I wasn't @ risk, but I started Vascepa in 2013 for "anti-aging", since infammation is at the heart of premature-aging as well as causing other inflammation related disease states.