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04/29/20 6:08 AM

#606761 RE: Louie_Louie #606719

On your point #7 on rationale for JPS buyers... I doubt a major number of shareholders bought for such reason as is confirmed in the suits many filed and the statements made in the "standing to litigate" segment of each case that provided info aboutwhen shares were bought, most of which were after c-ship but before NWS.

I would observe, to your credit, that your presumed reason was pre3cisely why I firat opened a position in FNMAS which came after thye Hindes suit was filed and ledb me to believe it would so piss off GOV that they would put the twins im receivership to fight back. Made nice money when I sold those shares. Thanks to navy for pumping up Judge Moeron Steal as the legal Superman. What a bust that was! Have been all commons, since, but not holding at the moment. That could be changing, soon.
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04/29/20 11:39 AM

#606797 RE: Louie_Louie #606719

Going to be a pref conversion when the "Big Bang" deal between Conservator (Calabria) and major holder (Treasury) is done on PSPA amendment -- massive pref holders include Paulsen and other huge, early and continuing Trump campaign backers. American politics would never be influence by donor's, right? LOL