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04/21/20 12:42 PM

#5653 RE: Voices of Reason #5652

Sire ,Sit back, Relax and watch
NTRR in line ,Sir


04/21/20 6:55 PM

#5659 RE: Voices of Reason #5652

I’m pretty sure this is copied and pasted....


04/22/20 7:57 AM

#5662 RE: Voices of Reason #5652

And unlimited supply of Authorized shares to boot according to the latest 10Q. Other than that there’s
no problem.


06/01/20 2:30 PM

#8457 RE: Voices of Reason #5652

You're trying so hard as a good far outweighs the bad here. What's your problem? If you don't like it there's a ton of other stocks in the OTC with a lot of convertible tests, go get them sir!