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04/16/20 11:34 AM

#65237 RE: kika1435 #65235

WOW kika that sux,sorry you are in this mess,not sure what Id do if it was me,thats a chunk of money.I can say this though Ive never put that kind of money into one stock my entire life,and never ever will.

Good luck with this.


04/16/20 11:35 AM

#65238 RE: kika1435 #65235

OMG sorry for you loss. All I can say is look at what you have now and think about whether you think this company merits such an investment or if you can do better somewhere else. Good luck.


04/16/20 11:39 AM

#65240 RE: kika1435 #65235

The best advice that I can give you being that I had to take a loss myself not as great as your looking at but it was still painful.. My advise is after the reverse split the day that Aurora opens up at 8 or 9 or $10 whatever it maybe on May 11th that would be the day that you should dump your position and sell and get out immediately.. If you want out.. Because the price is going to go down because that is what many is going to do after the split.... Or you can wait after the split and after the earnings report to see what the company clarifies but by then the price will have went down due to shorts moving in it's risky either way...


04/16/20 11:49 AM

#65243 RE: kika1435 #65235

"And didn’t NYSE give reprieve to companies because of the virus??"

The NYSE asked the SEC for a 3-month delay due to either market cap non-compliance or minimum share price non-compliance. The SEC only granted the market cap extension request.

"if the company did have a potential partnership in the works,"

They never did. Certain people decided to ride that wagon here with the "you never know" mantra and got their heads handed to them. The facts were clear. Some chose not to believe them.

"if the company had any integrity or any concern for the investor"

You're kidding, right?? After the infamous phony break-even promise that never happened, it should have been clear to anyone they were lying. Subsequent quarters and updates also admitted that a huge amount of the revenue reported in that "break-even" quarter didn't belong there and they had to back it out.

"So are they just using the virus as a scapegoat to get the reverse they want to dilute more?"

When the first ATM was announced, a group of people claimed they would never use it. I said "I never saw an ATM that wasn't used." Guess who was right? They will use every dollar in a 2nd ATM.

mr green239

04/16/20 3:12 PM

#65263 RE: kika1435 #65235

Exactly. They wish they had a partnership.. No one wants to do any long term business with Aurora. Way toooo expensive. Overvalued.


04/16/20 5:52 PM

#65266 RE: kika1435 #65235

No way I would eat 70k if I did not have too especially if there was not much left. I know everyone here will tell you to get out while you can but maybe I can cheer you up with an alternate scenario than the doom and gloom.

First the company has trimmed the fat, that is fact as they laid off more than 500 people and halted all non essential projects.

Second the company is still in full production and distribution mode even in the current environment. Our main grow op is so automated very few humans are needed.

Third is the 2.0 sales that started back in Dec. we should see a nice Q my guess is should be biggest Q yet.

Fourth is a new CEO after the R/S and Q are posted or around the same timeline give or take

The numbers I am looking at after R/S are what I think will propel the stock up.

The O/S will be just over 100 million
The production cost per gram should drop again, the write offs are done and the company is now streamlined for profit over expansion.

Think about a company with 100 mil O/S and 60-100 mil per Q

Food for thought instead of doom and gloom

GLTU in whatever you decide to do and it is only truly a loss when you sell, right now you are down but in 2 years you may be a millionaire no one knows for sure