here is some math for you just in case you are not a basher but just plain math-"blinded"
The cost is 50c per gallon before anything from government.
60 pounds soybeans worth between $6 and $7, from that they produce 5 gallon fuel, 2.9 pound of soygas and 20.1 pounds of ash products, if u do a little math ( I did) 2.9 pounds is about 0.13 thousands of BTU, and 20.1 pounds of ash products worth $0.18 per pound if they burn it to generate power, so with ash and gas you reduce the cost of fuel from 1.3 to 0.5 per gallon.
This is all in WSR's report and CEO's letter.
And further, 1 gallon biofuel has more btu than 1 gallon of ethanol or biodiesel, (all in summit lab report) so it won't sell less than $2.5 per gallon, so the gross profit margin is $2 per gallon.