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04/07/20 11:52 AM

#621002 RE: dess66 #620999

~ Dess66’, I Always Respect Personal Initiative Associated With “WMIH-Corp, symbol “COOP” ~

... Being negative or overly positive, without any foundational substance is limited to these areas ... and guessing and imagination doesn’t count in my investments ...

... currently, I’ve been sequencing original WMI associated Trust’s that realigned their Trustee’ back in July of 2011’ right when Plan 6 was not expected to fail ...

Keep up the good work ...


Split T

04/07/20 12:40 PM

#621014 RE: dess66 #620999

COOP's Bottom and Top fishing to snag shares from those that have placed Stop Losses is never ending. These shares are easy pickings to those that play the game 24/7, As for me I'll just hold what I have and see where this pony takes me. I don't believe we will suffer losses like some want us to believe, This whole take down of the Economy was well thought out and the 1% are going to screw over the 99% like never before...Have you looked at your 401K or Brokers balance lately and wondered how these dollars really disappeared and how they will eventually reappear in the accounts of the 1%. The plunge team is working overtime and the Fed. will continue to print worthless money until
smart people stop taking it and demand tangible that are respected World Wide and relieve us from this Massive Ponzi Scheme.

Can you believe the VISA Shares that JPM stole from us at $29.00 dollars are now worth $173.41, so that $125,000,000 in shares that JPM stole from us for $25,000,000 are now worth 5.97 times more or now have a value of $746,250,000 of which 25% to Common's would now be worth $0.15546875....My average cost of Commons was $0.921 so I would be made whole plus realized a nice gain had they not been given away. I won't go in to the Tax returns in the Billions that were handed to the FDIC and JPM cause all that does is piss me off. Now why would the Hedge funds give away billions in order to receive whats left after the final bell, I say because in the end what they gave away was chump change in relation to whats coming back.