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04/05/20 6:09 PM

#46030 RE: weazelboy #46028

You guys had a negative sentiment and were trading intraday.. When the dollar was headed lower and gold was rallying. Of coarse I'm going to let my followers know to not listen.


04/05/20 6:39 PM

#46033 RE: weazelboy #46028

Long term 95% of the miners that don't go belly up in this current environment will make new 5 year highs and reach higher in some cases in the next 2 years.

BUT they will go lower as in every panic, which I called btw, and then EXPLODE.

Load this weakness for long term.

I think where things tend to get confusing is when I'm on this board I refer to the miners and ppl can take that as this etf in particular.. I actually should be more spec going forward because I can see how that could be interpreted wrong.

Now I will admit I didn't think the miners would fall this dramatically before this virus was introduced as the catalyst by the talking heads, but things change. Forgive me for not being 100% perfect.

Really I think this virus is the excuse central banks and gov't around the world are using to deflate the bubbles and distract as they grab power.

I am very bullish on $NUGT and $JNUG just not this month.(Thinking much longer term) In fact, I think they will go straight up eventually as I have said multiple times.(After the next panic)

I also didn't think the bubble would pop due to a virus, but here we are. This virus is causing gov't to force companies to shut down mines.

Trade accordingly and honestly wish glty.