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04/05/20 4:37 PM

#262546 RE: Hamoa #262543

This has been totally refuted by the Markham article by a real patent expert; totally fallacious; posted here previously


04/05/20 5:06 PM

#262560 RE: Hamoa #262543

Ham - Any thoughts on how or why Du assigned this case to herself? Would her decision to do so be included in public court documents? I've seen varying opinions about her experience with patent law and some have suggested that this was her first patent case. If true, what would be her reasoning for taking it on? Did she think it was just a fish oil company, so no big deal and I can get some patent experience under my belt? And, assuming Covington made the decision unilaterally to choose Nevada, what were they thinking? Thanks


04/05/20 5:50 PM

#262586 RE: Hamoa #262543

Share price to recover - HOW??Du has made unprecedented and appalling errors of factual judgement on Mori and Kub - on which she based her finding of obviousness -the Appeal will reverse those factual errors- it can not do anything else -Du made astounding procedural errors as to the application of secondary considerations BUT the appeal will not need to address these because the factual errors corrected on appeal remove the finding of obviousness - a Detailed brief needs to be written setting out the errors as to Mori and Kub - (Hamoa please do this for all - others to assist as to study/ stats) send it to Amarin.-So that they have the clear facts on these two studies and statistical explanation of the same and the procedural error Title-“HOW Judge Du judicially erred as to fact and procedure”-
Amarin must demand an expedited appeal on the basis of the Indisputable clarity of factual judicial error and judicial procedural error and the consequent appalling and ongoing damage to the company its shareholders and employees
Send it to Michael Yew at Jeffries - he will get his Harvard professor on air again lets get these things clearly spelt out to the investing world
Send it to Judge Du
Considering these new dramatic devastating findings -this will destroy Du as to her reputation and credibility as a judge - she should and must resign from the judiciary - given the astonishing level of factual and procedural error and the consequent devastation she has caused - she does not deserve the confidence of the American people -at a stroke DU’s erroneous judgement wiped many billions of dollars in value from the company - she destroyed investors -she put in peril a thousand jobs -the American investing public and institutions must demand her resignation - How can she remain in office ??
She will actually recognise herself the enormous gravity of her errors and it’s consequences - she will resign
Watch the share price recover when she resigns
Just because she is a judge this does not absolve her of the consequences of her actions


04/05/20 6:00 PM

#262593 RE: Hamoa #262543

incredibly well stated, thanks Hamoa, could not agree more.