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04/05/20 4:53 PM

#120555 RE: concordia #120554

You’re sooooo spot on!!!

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04/06/20 1:15 AM

#120583 RE: concordia #120554

You got that right. On the money.
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04/06/20 9:17 AM

#120592 RE: concordia #120554

The "Problem" is most likely PMCB knows

and has always known that the previous trials are junk when it comes to the FDA accepting them

The Lohr trials were faulty in many aspects.

Kenny has basically convoluted how drugs/treatments undergo trials. An IND submission in the real world is a huge yawn. But in a Microcrap biotech it's suppose to be Earth shattering. It doesn't take 8 yrs to get a drug from pre-clinical to clinical. Neither does one start a CT involving over 100 patients in a Phase 2, without funding in place. There is no "pay as you go" with hospital billings. Unless no one shows up as a patient for months. An almost pre-ordained possibility for the Kenny Wonder Treatment.

PMCB is following the Microcrap biotech scam playbook. Trout a license for a drug/treatment as being revolutionary, after being overlooked for 20 yrs. There's always talk about competitors when there are none. As in no one is interested. The CEO always visits the manufacturing facility. Kenny embellished it more watching cells grows, and making videos. Hints are made about mythical funding, and partners that never materialize. One of the scams even made it to a CT, with the CT dying from lack of enrollment after a few yrs. A Phase 1 could always occur after the Phase 2b nonsense is rejected by the FDA. If Kenny can get this scam into a Phase 1 CT, and recruit just 1 patient, that will keep the scam going for years. As he cranks up the diabetes scam angle, while nothing happens.

In the meantime, Kenny gets a reprieve, and can blame the Coronavirus on the delays of the past 8 yrs.