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04/04/20 6:41 AM

#244543 RE: ElsaSara #244540

Maybe the CEO is only in this game for the haircuts and salary, but doesn't really care about his shares or ours.

Or more likely Anavex is expecting OK trial results, some stability in SP and continuing on with the programme funding it as Anavex smartly do and plan for P3 trials that can get approved.


04/04/20 8:36 AM

#244544 RE: ElsaSara #244540

Do we have a Kamikaze CEO?

Probably not Kamikaze but he does do work and maneuvers with the spirit of a warrior. I believe he has the spirit of a Samurai to carry on as he has for so long. A key point in his knowledge and execution of "strategy". If we model Dr.M. as the master of all Samurai (Musashi) then he is known as "Kensei" , that is "Sword Saint". Think of the work Dr.M. has done w/Anavex as a master work in strategy from the start. We might consider his work as a," guide for men who want to learn strategy." (Book of Five Rings)

Musashi was the greatest Samurai warrior. He described himself and questioned why he was always victorious in a game of conflict where 2nd place means you are dead. He says that he fought opponents who were better swordsman and defeated them, he fought warriors with greater speed and strength and he defeated them. He puzzled as to why this was true and concluded it was that he won because he understood and practiced excellence in strategy.

IMO, Dr.M. has a superior strategy. If we analyze how he knew to avoid FDA AD trials (as example)as he did and then his systematic selection of trials/sequence and academic events as he did then we get clues. I do not claim to know any secrets but do see that he has a strategic plan and has stayed well focused while he learns. We will know in due time.


04/04/20 10:15 AM

#244549 RE: ElsaSara #244540

We have a poor communicator with access to approved Preferred shares and a 250M shelf. His decisions to let questions be asked at the meeting will speak volumes to me. With all of the existing scientists and New Yorkers in the audience, I hope no one lets him dance on his answers if we get to question.