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uber darthium

04/02/20 12:41 AM

#81304 RE: JoshTaeger #81302

Very serious. UtterlyDumb says so in the video. Consider this, as the valve opens, the pressure of the water flowing through the small opening ( which gets larger as it is fully opened ) is so great that shrimps are literally torn to pieces, all that weight (pressure)of the water above the valve. Once the valve is opened, it would be a shrimp massacre to close it for the same reasons. The pressure/ velocity will diminish as the water level in the tank goes down ( just like a bathtub) UtterlyDumb said they were going to “place a net” at the pipe to catch the shrimp.

Hey Forrest, now what do you do with that big assed heavy net full of 6,000 pound of shrimp ?

Hey Boudreaux, how we lift dem dere swimps? It heaveeeee. I garunteee Chere

No lift

No harvest

Just toxic shares