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03/28/20 2:26 PM

#619202 RE: Uncle RD #619199

What I find VERY DISTURBING it that although ALL of these DRUGS are CURRENTLY FDA APPROVED, the still need to go through testing!


If they are approved they KNOW they are SAFE for human consumption.

SO what if it is for other Illness's SO FKING WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If they are showing promise USE EM and DO NOT WAIT 6-18 months to approve them for use on COVID 19 I mean DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some times the smartest folks aren't ALWAYS THE BRIGHTEST or most logical.......

This chit beats all I have ever seen.

If I have a deadly disease and it is literally killing me and I am gonna die WHO GIVES at RATS ASS.. If I want to take it I SHOULD BE ABLE TO TAKE it.
BUT since it is NOT FDA APPROVED(DA'S) I can take it on my own accord and without any liability to the company that made it KNOWING FULL WELL both are already approved for other things but just not SPECIFICALLY for COVID 19.

MY CHOICE I mean good grief

Large Green

03/28/20 2:26 PM

#619203 RE: Uncle RD #619199

This must be covered up at ALL costs. This so they can continue to push an agenda to kill off the economy and many many more people for the sole purpose of trying to regain power in November. This thinking a zero-sum economy will make voters vote for DEMs...they are so very, very wrong and fooled with their own lies they cannot even remotely see what the people really want!


03/28/20 2:27 PM

#619204 RE: Uncle RD #619199


I assume just about every doctor is doing some - non clinical trial - off label use of various drugs and cocktails

That one is new to me

I hope its good - on even 25% of say older people - it destroys the geometric increase in death rate

using the recent 30-40 percent rate of growth of reported cases --- the # infected (of which ? 20% ? need treatment ?) is headed to over 1 million

112,000 in 5 days (4 hits of 1.33) 350,000
112,000 in 10 days (9 hits of 1.33) 1.45 Million blowing through my estimate of a week ago of 1,000,000 (in part fueled not by increased incidence but more cases reported due to more testing)

1.5 Million cases

300,000 serious

15,000 deaths

imagine if we can cut that 25% or 50%


03/28/20 7:03 PM

#619258 RE: Uncle RD #619199


I assume a ton of cocktails are being tried by desperate doctors

And hopefully something works and we will know more by mid April