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03/28/20 9:20 AM

#257168 RE: Invest83838 #257162

Invest83838, From all I understand about Vascepa, I believe that the
people who will benefit the most are the ones that will have taken it
for the longest period of time. This implies two things:

1. Beginning Vascepa at a young(er) age.
2. Beginning Vascepa before any serious damage has already been done.

My belief is that Vascepa, if used properly, will keep people at risk
for CVD healthier for a longer period of time. It may be best for
patients to begin Vascepa while still in their 50's or at the same
time a doctor begins them on a statin med.

What the Corona Virus is doing is killing the people with the most
CVD risk factors, such as high blood pressure, overweight, and Type 2
Diabetes. Hopefully, those people who have been on Vascepa for a
longer period of time are healthier than they would have been without
it, and hopefully better able to withstand the Corona Virus with less
severe effect.

If there is a silver lining here for future Vascepa sales from the
Corona Virus it may be that doctors will see the value of starting
the process of intervening in patient's heart health SOONER.