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03/27/20 2:05 PM

#4726 RE: Pisd #4725

Got more than I want honestly lol


03/27/20 2:21 PM

#4727 RE: Pisd #4725

just as a point of reference Pisd...'on sale' compared to what? The $3+US from a month or two ago?...but surely not the double digit 'under a buck' ludicrous price from last week.

If they don't 'flatten the curve" to this virus anytime soon, 30-40 million Americans will be out of work and "on sale" will be rapidly approaching 'fire sale' and for a good long time IMO.

But 'there's got to be a bottom coming soon' doesn't there? Yep there will be, when the 10's of thousands rate of infection and body count in the hundreds each day begins to wane. The Govm't f*ed it up. And the market is gonna get ripped a new one as this shit accelerates.

All the best Pisd. I hope your buys are good to you as we move forward.