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03/26/20 6:34 PM

#256600 RE: rosemountbomber #256569

Pretty sure you need to enroll in a clinical trial and hope you're in the drug group to get the HCQ+Zith combo right now - it's not like anyone who gets hospitalized can ask for them and get them. Recall how many people here met severe resistance from their own docs when they requested off label V scrips - despite it being perfectly safe many docs said nope - now multiply that by the fact that HCQ can cause fatal side effects, and you likely will have very few ordinary docs willing to prescribe the drugs before more data is out - those dosing regimen is critical because the toxicity of HCQ is dependent on the patient's weight, and for all we know the efficacy is tied to mg HCQ/kg patient mass as well. Heavy people may not get a large enough HCQ to cure them because the fatal dose is so low on a raw gram/day basis and docs will not cross that line. To top it off, patients must start the drug regimen before they get sick enough to be put on a ventilator, both drugs are oral and I haven't seen anything about docs attempting to administer them via IVs, might be because they need to be metabolized in the gut/liver before going into the bloodstream.