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03/25/20 9:25 AM

#255951 RE: Mr1979 #255948

Eh.h..h...h ? :)
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03/25/20 9:33 AM

#255957 RE: Mr1979 #255948

Next event of any import to Amarin is the court decision from Reno— the rest of what posters say is simply information/emotion information to be assembled like we librarians tend to do.
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03/25/20 10:37 AM

#255986 RE: Mr1979 #255948


Well the realities are we do not see world wide contagions that threaten the economies of all countries as well as everyone's health very often..This is the IHub board and I stands for investor...I think the virus certainly effects investors...

Right now the biggest news re: Amarin is Judge Du's determination..and frankly we can do little about that. It is out of our control...But if you feel the need to make a bunch of posts about it..Feel free..and if you want to ignore the potentially devastating consequences of the COVID-19 virus..good for are a very brave soul....

Right now IMO the COVID-19 has an import that transcends the OT issue...I say Amarin right now is a side issue compared to the Virus..We have a lot of smart people on this board...Everything we post is not always correct..but I believe most of us try at least to post valid information..but the subject is complicated and the possibility of posting incorrect information is high..So we need the interplay of posters which has the effect of helping to get important issues clarified..A lot of disinformation is political..and we would be better off if we don't take sides...but rather seek the truth....

It seems to me as a clinician that we are coming up with some very good drugs that can lower the risk of the virus..These include not only the malaria drugs CQ and HCQ...but other drugs which end in the suffix vir..and all of them seem to be quite effective..At lowering or removing the virus counts...We have learned we also need to treat the secondary bacteria pneumonias..That accompany the viral pneumonia...Azithromycin seems to be a good choice...

There is a inflammatory component to the clinical situation..some of these drugs seem to lower that threat...There is no proof EPA would improve outcomes..but it might...IMO the need for respirators are not going to be needed in the quantities suggested..Respirators are only effective if there is enough functional lung surface..Ensuring that, is going to fall on the drugs...Please do not misinterpret this as saying we don't respirators...we do..Just probably not hundreds of thousands..

As far as this being the Amarin board..I'm sure I echo the sentiments of all longs..We need a favorable opinion from the Hon. M. Du..

":>) JL

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03/25/20 10:52 AM

#255993 RE: Mr1979 #255948

My post agreeing with you was just deleted.

Right on Mr1979!

I have had a handful of posts which were simply requests to return to the "business" of AMRN, the mission of the board, which were rather benign call outs, deleted as off topic by the very same moderators posting the nonsense to which you refer- often combative and vial, bickering like middle school mean girls- the most guilt are some of the moderators and the long standing members.

It's as if a newcomer (joined within last few years), one hasn't earned the right to even post to call out the a holes or refute their posted political or science opinion nonsense, bs content and battles amongst themselves.

When the share price times are good the oldies function as a stock pumping circle jerk versus the depressed share price bad times when it's more like a circular firing squad.

Two sets of rules apparently. A club of folks with nothing better to do, since they've watched the stock drop as much as 68% from December highs,to recent low of 8.58.

Let's see if this is also taken down.