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03/24/20 7:09 PM

#10960 RE: daystreaming #10959

Same to you bro. I do hope that SRNA does well for everyone.

As for Trump....I don't watch Fox news. Don't really watch any news. I believe most politicians, both Rep and Dem, are scammers controlled by globalists.

I think Trump saved us from the monster that was HRC. If she was in office? I cannot imagine where we would be right now. The point is globalists, like G Soros, who control the MSM and hence the narrative, hate Trump because they can't control him. Which is why they are hyping this virus all to heck but the swine was downplayed. I had the swine flu. It was the worst I have ever been sick.

But here is an interesting tidbit. In the entire time that the swine flu was active, total unique media stories on it numbered 60 M. Guess how many there are for the Corona so far? About 1.2 BILLION. Lots of which are negative against POTUS.

Now, whether you like him or not, you tell me that isn't a concerted effort to remove Trump from office. You had congressman and senators BEFORE Trump even took office saying they will do everything in their power to remove him. Imagine that. BEFORE he took office. A duly elected President.

I don't think it is a reach, with SRNA being in the heart of liberalism and in the heart of a very leftist industry of MJ growth, to go along with the leftist party line of "the world is ending".

I haven't seen any company come out and say what SRNA did today. And I mean companies that are much more affected by Corona than a MJ company.

Tell me, in your logical that makes any sense whatsoever? Record earnings but lets completely kill that goodwill by saying 2 weeks of Corona may destroy our company and it is enough to stop us from having a company CC.

Really? You cancel a company CC because of the Corona excuse?

Get the heck out of here. It is twilight zone stuff.

Makes zero sense.