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03/24/20 7:37 PM

#10961 RE: Threeflight #10960

First, if you think this is a two week thing you need to pay attention to something.

Trump is in bed with Putin (willingly or not). Trump is as corrupt as this country has ever seen in oval office. Trump would sacrifice ANYBODY (including his own family) to protect himself.

He is the definition of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (look it up).

No he did not creat Coronavirus, but he will sacrifice many American (including Republican) lives to save his chance at re-election. As horrendous as he is there is enough corruption in the electoral system and enough hatred of those who are different (mainly not white male), to get him re-elected.

I thought nothing he did would be bad enough to take him down. But this virus, his narcissism, and his refusal to shut his mouth for even a day will continue to tank the US economy and therefore take him down.

Back to SRNA, there will be a lot of businesses that go under because of the implications of the pandemic. I think SRNA is going into survival mode like many others. This is a smart move. Hopefully they will survive as they are, or get purchased by a larger company interested in their tech. I prefer the former with organic growth.

These are tough times for all. To not at least become more aware of the potential implications of COVID19 makes you appear ignorant, but doesn’t make you right or less likely (might make you more likely due to carelessness) to get the disease. I wish that on no one.

I wish SRNA well. I wish us all well and hope this passes sooner rather than later.