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03/27/20 6:58 PM

#257095 RE: rosemountbomber #255696

Yeah, that's a dangerously high rate of asymptomatic folks, given how deadly this can be for many. And the number of infected is now up to 45 in that incident; turns out it was a choir getting together pretty early in the pandemic, but after distancing had been recommended. They stayed the recommended distance from each other as they practiced; no-one noticed any coughing.

I'm guessing that the person who was asymptomatic was the first in, as that could contaminate the door handle at the facility. I'm familiar with the conference center they practiced at; I've used it before, and it's common practice for an after-hours event line this to only have one door unlocked--so everyone would touch the same handle. It requires a little oomph to open, too, so seems like that would up the contamination likelihood.

Just got a package from NYC today, and I wiped it thoroughly all over with Lysol ides, and then the doorknob and the bench I set it on. I feel pretty secure in my immune system; it's served me well for 63 years==but I'm 63, so don't wat to test it on this bug until I can get vaccinated if possible...