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03/23/20 8:28 PM

#3163 RE: Oilman9958 #3162

I think President Trump should make the US buy only US Production. He should set the price per barrel of oil, and then put a Tariff on all Imported Oil. Start saving the 250,000 US Oilfield Service Worker’s Jobs!

Next, since Saudi Arabia pretty much does not make their own food and have a descent water supply, Everyone should start charging them 10,000 USD for a Gallon of Water and 50,000 USD for a ton of rice. It would take Saudi Arabia a year to build another desalination plant.

Finally, Trump should call up China, and say we are not going to pay back the billions of dollars we owe you as a thank you for what you gave us.

But, seriously folks we will get through this and come out stronger.

Remember, keep your head while all around you are losing theirs, it could come back to reward you 10+ fold.

I still greatly believe Gulfslope will drill a well from their 2020 Drilling Campaign, and it will be a Tau-2 well since the logistics are close to being in place. Gulfslope has been through hard times before, and they certainly know how to come through it again.



These are my personal thoughts. Please do not base your investment decisions off any message board posts.